单词 more vivid 例句大全,用单词more vivid造句:

The main function of animation software interface animated make more vivid.
动画功能, 在主界面播放动画使软件更加生动。
Youngsters, on the other hand, will appreciate more vivid and brighter colors keepingattitude.
Attention must also be paid to rhetoric, to how to write more vividly.
还要注意修辞, 怎样写得生动一点。
Secondly, the background color is white ink that enables total reflection prints colors more vivid.
其不宾, 不暗不朱底色是残不正射, 可使印品的色彩更为灿艳。
The painter brushed over the canvas to bring out a more vivid effect.
The life stories are more vivid than any theory one could concoct to explain them.
The fourth figure is still more vivid and dramatic.
Mainly used for decorative embellishment of fabric, clothes look even more vivid lovely.
For the empowered soul of poets, this touching is all the more vivid and real.
Utilizing the rhetoric technique and lyrical express way, this article will be more vivid and touching.
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单词 more vivid 释义

  • 单词释义:vivid(生动的)的比较级形式  [更多..]



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