单词 best sellers 例句大全,用单词best sellers造句:

The Millionaire Next Door, written with researcher William D. Danko of Albany, N.Y, and published in l996. It has been on The New York Times Best Sellers list for more than l50 weeks.
Several current best sellers including a new edition of the ' diet revolution ' by Dr. Robert C. Atkins of 1970s and new book called Sugar Busters! by some very clever businessmen and a doctor.
You must be aware that the articles under offer are our best sellers.
She sprang fifty dollars for best sellers.
Historical best sellers reek with sentiment.
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单词 best sellers 释义

  • 单词释义:<美>畅销书,金唱片,畅销书的作者( best seller的名词复数 )  [更多..]



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