单词 stabilizes 例句大全,用单词stabilizes造句:

Then, you increase power to a cruise setting of 2300 rpm, and trim when the airspeed stabilizes.
然后, 您增加力量对2300转每分钟巡航设置, 并且修剪当空速稳定。
The efficacy stabilizes upright amicable, handle face to face of the.
The efficacy stabilizes upright amicable, handle faceface of the medicament environment.
药剂的环境介点友爱, 处理效力稳固。
The efficacy stabilizes upright amicable , handle face to face of the medicament environment.
药剂的环境介面友爱, 处理效能稳固。
The efficacy stabilizes upright amicable, handle face to face of the medicament environment.
The efficacy stabilizes upright amicable, handle face to face of the medicament enmmironment.
The Sartorius, a muscle that run down the front of the thigh at an angle, further stabilizes the pose.
The broad based attachment mesenteric root stabilizes the small bowel.
The broadbased attachment of the mesenteric root stabilizes the small bowel.
The available supply of industrial product and produce stabilizes growth.
Discuss Lightly that the Cement Stabilizes the Quality Inspection of the Soil Basic Unit and Bottom Basic Unit and Evaluates
For the first week, the resistor will sit in one of the oil baths until its temperature stabilizes.
第一周, 电阻将被放在一个油槽中直到温度稳定。
The ocean drives climate and weather, stabilizes temperature, shapes Earth's chemistry.
海洋驱动着气候和天气变化 使温度稳定,塑造了地球化学
But economy of our country countryman still stabilizes continuously development.
Foundation for the house is a concrete counterweight foot stabilizes with the bed pile system.
When demand stabilizes, factories need to bring some of those workers back.
当需求企稳之后, 企业需要重新把部分工人招回来。
Do some of miscellaneous? N dicker at present can money cost stabilizes low?
目前做些什麽 小生意可以赚钱成本低又稳定得?
Do some of miscellaneous ?N dicker at present can money cost stabilizes low ?
目前做些什麽 小生意可以赚钱成本低又稳定的?
which stabilizes it in all directions.
Now the viability threshold is reached, and the frequency distribution has dramatically changed and, in fact, stabilizes.
达到可行阈值之后 频度分布 开始剧烈变化然后稳定下来
Even if he stabilizes.

单词 stabilizes 释义

  • 单词释义:(使)稳定, (使)稳固( stabilize的名词复数 )  [更多..]



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