单词 canary Islands 例句大全,用单词canary Islands造句:

Fern of North Africa and Azores and Canary islands.
分布在北非, 亚速尔和加那利群岛的蕨类。
Thousands of people have been arriving by boat from Africa in Spain's Canary Islands.
The Canary Islands in the Pacific are named after what animal?
Surf spreads a foamy swath over a black beach in Gomera in Spains Canary Islands.
在西班牙的加那利群岛, 有被海浪冲刷出泡沫似的黑沙滩。
any of several hybrid ornamental plants in the composite family,derived from species native to the Canary Islands and widely grown as indoor or bedding plants for their showy,variously colored radiate flower heads and attractive silvery foliage
Fresh tomatoes lifted in from the Canary Islands.
So this is how traditional clothes on the Canary Islands look like.
I wanted to sail to the Canary Islands, but I was afraid to go too far from the shore.
我想驶向加纳利岛, 但是不敢远离海岸。
Majorca and the Canary Islands are located on the coast of Spain.
shrub of Canary Islands having bristletipped oblanceolate leaves
The voyage, from the Canary Islands to the Caribbean, took place in December of1999.
A sweet white wine from the Canary islands, similar to madeira.
产于加那利群岛的一种甜白葡萄酒, 类似马德拉白葡萄酒。
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