单词 Buddha dharma 例句大全,用单词Buddha dharma造句:

What is the infinite ability of spirit to Buddha Dharma ?
Generally speaking, Buddhism mainly refers to the doctrines of Buddha also called Buddha dharma.
Why did Buddha's disciple kill Buddha dharma?
The eminent Buddhist monk has come here to spread Buddha Dharma. We shall treat him with due respect.
佛教高僧传灯至此, 我们应该以礼相待。
While monastics are nourished mentally with Buddha Dharma every day, enjoying real bliss.
Altogther there are seven questions which hopefully can help to solve the doubts of Buddha Dharma.
I respond to any questions about the Buddha Dharma, but never to requests for fortunetelling.
This course is a instruction of life philosophical thinkings upon Buddha dharma.
这个课程, 是一个探讨佛法当中得生命哲学思想得课程。
This is the greatest humiliation for the Buddhism and the greatest malignancy intolerable to Buddha Dharma.
There is no disease that cannot be cured by Buddha Dharma. It all depends on whether you believe in it.
治病对佛法来讲, 是没有治不了的病, 只有不相信之人。
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