单词 first names 例句大全,用单词first names造句:

However, if you do not feel comfortable using only first names, it is quite acceptable to be more formal.
不过, 你如果觉得直呼其名不好, 尽可用比较客气的称呼。
He spoke of them casually and familiarly by their first names.
She greeted them by their first names in a familiar way.
They often use first names upon meeting people for first time.
His first names are Peter George.
Foreigners tend to have long names, but usually we only need to call them by their first names.
Please call me Lois. First names are more friendly than last names.
请叫我伊洛丝 吧,称呼名子比称呼姓要更亲切一些。
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单词 first names 释义

  • 单词释义:西方人名的第一个字( first name的名词复数 )  [更多..]



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