单词 family names 例句大全,用单词family names造句:

When he entered into the official school at the age of ten, he was able to recite The Book of Family Names and The Three Words Classics.
Family names are closely related to culture and history.
But babies could soon have a surname combining the parents'family names.
Cultural Differences and Implications Reflected through Chinese and English Names Some Problems Concerning the Pronunciation and Writing of Some Family Names
Their family names are Plantard and SaintClair.Both families live in hiding, probably protected by the Priory.
后人都躲藏了起来, 也许是被隐修会保护了起来。
英文例句大全为您提供family names英文例句大全,family names英文造句,关于family names的英语句子,单词family names怎么造句,family names英文例句大全有哪些,哪些英语句子是关于family names,英语单词family names的句子,单词family names如何造句,family names怎么造句等。

单词 family names 释义

  • 单词释义:姓( family name的名词复数 )  [更多..]



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