单词 Times 例句大全,用单词Times造句:

A cough is sometimes a symptom of a serious disease.
Running a few miles a few times a week should suffice.
一周跑几次, 一次几英里就够了。
A blind man may sometimes catch a hare.
The simplest example of this type is the abacus, which has been used in many parts of the world since ancient times.
Five years later, he abandoned medicine to become editor of the Leeds Times, following the successful publication of several of his articles about self-improvement.
Sometimes dignity is not easy to achieve. It can be abandoned for some benefits or be an undeserved reputation. In general, common people are enthusiastic about angling for fame and honor.
Sometimes it is not the world that abandons us, but we who abandon the world.
who abandoned me more times than I can count.
In fact it did. All three times, the reform plans were abandoned.
拉法力但所有这三次, 改革计划都放弃了。
At times, I felt like I was walking alone through an abandoned haunted house.
有时候, 我会觉得自己在独自穿过鬼魂出没的破屋。
With the development of times, international practice will abandon the old and bring forth the new.
随着时代的发展, 国际惯例也是不断推陈出新的。
At times he seems recklessly sanguine about the economic impact of abandoning nuclear power.
有时对于废除核电对经济造成影响, 他似乎盲目地乐观。
In former times, priests used to abase themselves before the gods.
In ancient times when there is a Shaolin abbot of appealing to the field.
在古代的时候, 有一个少林寺的方丈到外地化缘。
The newspaper columnist ' Dear Abby ' also has a wicked wit, and a glint in her eye as she sometimes advises people with the tone ' don't take yourself too seriously'.
Three times he abdicated the throne, as such people cannot find an appropriate title to commend his deed.
他三次让位给别人, 人民都不知如何称颂他。
The abdication and Hereditary systems are the main ways of the dynastic alternation of Chinese ancient times.
I exercise situp two hundred times every day to decrease my abdomen of fat meat.
semiautomatic pistol and shot her three times at close range, in the heart, chest, and abdomen.
然后向她开了三枪, 分别击中心脏, 胸部和腹部。
Abdominal tissues sometimes adhere after an operation.
Peritoneal irritation. Abdominal tenderness and tension, and rebound pain sometimes.
He had been hospitalized several times with vomiting, abdominal and leg cramps, and dehydration.
他已数次因呕吐, 腹部和腿部疼痛以及脱水而住院。
Study on influence of different times of gastric tube indwelling for preoperative patients before abdominal region surgery
The news that we see those use network abduct children sometimes filled with apprehension.
They sometimes abet crimes.

单词 Times 释义

  • 单词释义:The New York Times <纽约时代(周刊)>;The Times (leading British newspaper, published in London) <泰晤士报>(英国主要报刊,伦敦发行);时报  [更多..]



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