单词 tines 例句大全,用单词tines造句:

Philistines abandoned their idols there, and David and his men carried them off.
I will stop the arrogance of the proud, And the haughtiness of the terrible I will abase.
我要使骄傲人的狂妄止息, 使强暴人的狂傲降为卑。
Used for catching cold the intestines and stomach disease caused, suffer from diarrhoea, suffering from abdominal pain etc.
Fenfuyinyang methods of manipulation to enhance the effect of cleaning intestines with Fanxieye in abdominal plain film examination
Be honest, trustiness and have a good communication ability.
Talk about routines; Ask about and say times.
You take away God and leave absolute emptiness to people.
Frozen bean curd. Can absorb intestines and stomach the path is adipose, and the help is adipose excrete.
Kinetics of trimebutine maleate absorption in rat intestines
Antibiotic protein in the intestines, and the biotinylated impede intestinal absorption of biotin have been.
抗生素蛋白在肠道, 阻碍和生物素生物素被肠道吸收。
The abundance or scantiness of this supply, too, seems to depend more upon the former of those two circumstances than upon the latter.
Is created that all of the subroutines will use to access the database.
The technical routines of synchronized swimmer are accompanied with music.
The form with external entity and internal emptiness and pithiness pureness, accord with the expression which school building would call for.
Improve the stomach and intestines function. Reduce the metabolism remnant to sink to accumulate in the body.
增强胃肠功能, 减少代谢残渣在体内堆积。
Actually, I am not accustomed with the emptiness and carefree life.
There was an aching emptiness in her heart.
There is the selfconfident heart of mightiness, you want to achieve of anything, will have a hope.
But when we have learned how to listen to trees, then the brevity and the quickness and the childlike hastiness of our thoughts achieve an incomparable joy.
只要我们不去听它们说话, 它们就比我们更有智慧。
It included singing, dancing, music, comedy routines and acrobatics.
它包括有歌舞, 音乐, 调笑, 杂技
These provide the actual routines for read, erase, and write on flash.
It's actually just launched, actually launched on Valentines day, February 12th, about ten days ago.
Ever since Bryan went to college last fall, my wife and I started learning to adapt the emptiness.
自从布莱恩去秋上了大学, 我和妻便开始学着接受空寂。
Crustiness had been added to his bachelorisms.
他是个有怪癖的光棍, 还很顽固。
You might feel let down today and your first inclination is to fill in the emptiness with additional excitement.
失落感包围了你, 而你的第一直觉是加入更多的激动元素。

单词 tines 释义

  • 单词释义:尖头( tine的名词复数 );齿;叉  [更多..]



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