单词 Wisely 例句大全,用单词Wisely造句:

As a result, Mr Abe wisely decided to delay part two of the tax increase.
结果, 安倍明智地决定推迟第二阶段的消费税上调。
Second, we must select personnel wisely and assign duties according to ability.
二要善于选用人员, 量才授予职责。
How accepting can society wisely be of homosexuality, of abortion, of drug use?
社会如何明智地接受同性恋, 堕胎和吸毒?
But I am an optimist. I believe we are going to live in a world abundant with information and with the tools needed to use it wisely.
This principle is accepted by all, but wisely observed by very few.
这个道理人人都懂, 可是很少人能积极不懈地善为利用它。
But if we act wisely and adopt a bold strategy, we can surely accomplish it.
Secretary of State Kellogg unwisely accorded immediate recognition.
By investing wisely she accumulated a fortune.
To acquire wealth is difficult, to preserve it more difficult, But to spend it wisely most difficult of all.
She acted wisely when she invited her parents.
It, too, has acted unwisely.
If it invests its portfolio unwisely, it may also take additional losses.
如果它投资有差错, 就会出现更大亏损。
It has been wisely said that the adjective is the enemy of the noun.
Much as I admire his courage, I don't think he acted wisely.
我虽然佩服他的勇气, 但我认为他这样做是不伶俐的。
Its to you advantage to invest wisely.
It is to your advantage to invest wisely.
Know how to make your money, how to spend it wisely and how to use it to your advantage.
When you give the treasure to him, advise him to use it wisely and generously.
Cornering will be especially affected by this, so choose wisely!
Wherefore when Saul saw that he behaved himself very wisely, he was afraid of him.
扫罗见大卫作事精明, 就甚怕他。
The minister was tasked with checking that British aid money was being spent wisely.
She wisely didnt attempt to apologize.
她没有打算道歉, 她这样做很明智。
The unknown displacement field is approximated by discontinuous, piecewisely differentiable functions.
It is worth asking whether Woodrow Wilson's idea could be wisely applied now.
I've wisely chosen not to put a new deadline year in the title this time around, but rest assured, I'll be watching and waiting.
这一回, 我不再加入年份, 但请放心, 我仍将观守并等待。

单词 Wisely 释义



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