单词 theme parks 例句大全,用单词theme parks造句:

Traditional amusement parks and theme parks have much in common.
It posts estimated waiting times for attractions in its theme parks.
It's easy to feel as if you are on thrill-ride overload after three consecutive days at California's great theme parks, Disneyland, Knotts Berry Farm and Universal Studios.
The Ocean Park in Hong Kong is one of the biggest theme parks in the world.
Excitement and exhilarating entertainment part of the experience you will feel in the great rides to be had at the magnificent theme parks in California.
An Analysis of the Influence of the Disney Park in HK on Theme Parks in Zhujiang Delta
His voice can still be heard at Disney theme parks around the world.
Landscape Diversity in the Theme Parks Experience in the Disneyland
主题公园中园林景观的多样性 感受迪斯尼乐园
Many people come to theme parks looking for thrills and entertainment.
In many theme parks, you can pay extra to jump to the head of the line.
许多主题公园,你只要多付钱 就可以不用排队
There are also two water theme parks in DisneyWorld, good enough for you to enjoy the water.
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单词 theme parks 释义

  • 单词释义:(游乐园中的)主题乐园( theme park的名词复数 )  [更多..]



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