单词 Members of Congress 例句大全,用单词Members of Congress造句:

CBO staff get barked at aby Members of Congress and their staff.
Members of Congress also seem confused.
If there is no objection to members of Congress, these sales will automatically come into effect.
如果没有国会议员反对, 这些军售案就会自动生效。
Americas Treasury is willing to bide its time. But its patience is not shared by members of Congress.
Some conservative commentators and members of Congress began calling for Fiske's resignation.
On ideological grounds, many members of Congress might have been against helping us.
要是从观念本身出发, 许多国会议员是反对帮助我们的。
Members of Congress represents a variety of denominations.
So I urge members of congress to act without delay.
因此, 我奉劝国会议员们立即行动起来。
In America, elections are held every two years for members of Congress.
They also meet with members of Congress and their own ambassadors to the United States.
This week, Members of Congress returned to Washington after their Fourth of July recess.
Car salespeople, lobbyists, and members of Congress have the lowest honesty and ethics.
The immediate reason is that Republican members of Congress supported by the Tea Party movement wont budge.
Imagine that there is some activity say, snipe hunting that members of Congress want to encourage.
Members of Congress quickly reacted to the decision by promising to change the law to overturn it.
Members of congress were warned of possible repercussions if their vote went through.
And should members of Congress and the Supreme Court have term limits like the President?
以及, 国会议员和最高法院成员应像总统一样有任期限制吗?
Under Colombia's constitution, the Supreme Court has the power to investigate wrongdoing by members of Congress.
根据哥伦比亚宪法, 最高法院有权调查国会议员的错误行径。
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