单词 original sin 例句大全,用单词original sin造句:

Adam and Eve committed the original sin when they ate the forbidden fruit in the garden of eden.
The act of Adam and Eve was not original sin, but, in truth, first blessing.
亚当和夏娃的作为并非原罪, 事实上, 却是第一个祝福。
Adam and Even committed the original sin when they ate the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden.
By taking a bite out of the apple a serpent gave her and passing it on to Adam, she created original sin.
她咬下了一口, 然后递给亚当。她就是原罪的制造者。
Adam and Even committed the original sin when they ate the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden.
Seeing mankind afflicted by original sin, did God not show His mercy
There's no concept of original sin, so entering the afterlife doesn't require a radical change.
It analyses the original sin in three aspects in detail.
Not because of the apple, original sin, serpents or anything like that.
不是因为苹果, 原罪, 蛇形或诸如此类。
A Christian who rejects the divinity of Christ and the Trinity and original sin.
It remains to be seen whether or not Original Sin will become a thriller classic.
The original singer of the song"The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing" has come to our evening party.
It refers to the conception of Mary as being without Original Sin.
Original sin is when your first thought about a thing is in error.
This multi player mode puts a complete new and different game playoriginal single player game.
This knowledge is the beginning of the isolated self and the source of original sin.
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