单词 Any time 例句大全,用单词Any time造句:

Reading the text many times and you will be able to recite it.
课文多读几遍, 你就会背了。
Adult males are able to mate at any time.
Few imagined the era of abundance would end any time soon.
Unlike the reservation itself and unlike an objection, an express acceptance can be declared at any time.
与保留本身和反对保留不同, 明示接受可随时宣布。
Ah Kin nodded his head many times and accepted the offer.
阿金连连点头, 接受了这份工作。
An offeror may withdraw an offer at any time before it has been accepted.
It's an online bulletin board you can access from anywhere at any time.
And when I was watching, although has seen many times, she still must accompany me.
当我看, 虽然已经见过很多次了, 她还必须陪着我。
Li Da was accompanied by Wang Dingnan, our liaison officer, whom I met many times.
According to Mexican law, how many times must tequila be distilled?
根据墨西哥法律, 特基拉酒需要几次蒸馏?
Can I open a savings account at any time?
Distributor shall permit examination by the producer at any time of such accounts and any contracts with his retailers.
Provided that the Registrar may at any time after the audit of the accounts has been completed convene the annual general meeting which shall proceed as if it had been convened by the committee.
但官可在目完成后, 召周年大, 大予行, 如是由理事召的一。
Furthermore, her achievements and brief biographies have been recorded in China and abroad for many times.
Nomination for the Award can be made at any time subject to written justification and confirmation of such achievements.
只要成就被书面证实和确认, 任何时候都可提名该奖。
The Customer acknowledges that the Company may change the Margin Requirements atand at any time.
Customer can update the firmware expediently to acquire the latest function at any time.
Acquisition of fruit maturity, at any time from gravy and pericarps for use.
Has sailed across the Atlantic many times.
They swam across the Changjiang River many times.
How many times have you sat across from me?
Topsail has sailed across the Atlantic many times.
She had tried the Dutch act many times in the past.
We can activate the tracker app on her phone at any time.
The wearer can activate this power as a free action at any time.
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