单词 cart off 例句大全,用单词cart off造句:

Please cart off the mountains of rubbish.
A guard made a mistake. A container fell off the cart.
The river is beginning to fill up we must cart off the fertilizer at once.
河水又上涨了, 咱们得把化肥马上运走。
All you have to do is pull the box off the shelf, and pop it in your grocery cart.
When buying this plot, our company will demolish this old building and cart it off.
Once they had filled the cart and checked off everything on their list, they started to look for a checkout that wasn't busy.
Well, then, when are going to get the battle finished off? Are you still going to be the old bullock pulling a broken cart, creeping slowly along?
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单词 cart off 释义

  • 单词释义:运送;载运;(以武力)带走;挟持  [更多..]



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