单词 current account deficit 例句大全,用单词current account deficit造句:

current account deficit.
The current account deficit always changes relatively slowly.
With investment down and saving up, the current account deficit will narrow.
随着投资减少和储蓄增加, 经常账户赤字将开始收窄。
The Study on the Relationship between Fiscal Policy and the Current Account Deficit
This would cause the US current account deficit to shrink sooner rather than later.
这将导致美国经常账户赤字收缩得更早, 而非更晚。
The other is the persistent deficit in the current account of the balance of payments.
When absorption exceeds production, the excess is the country's current account deficit.
党总支出超过总生产, 其余额即为该国的往来帐户赤字。
After a brief respite last year, the US current account deficit appears to be growing again.
First, the UK's net international investment position is positive and its current account deficit modest.
Additional, deficit of current account income and expenses and income difference still involve a few data.
另外, 收支往来帐户赤字和收益差还涉及一些数据。
If action to address a substantial current account deficit is taken, then the more obvious measures to consider include
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