单词 curtains 例句大全,用单词curtains造句:

Make your bathroom more colorful by hanging shower curtains with bright colors.
Engineer you make them another parachute out of aisle curtains and dental floss.
A beam of light through the curtains have a drowsy look ruthless, I was wake up.
一束光无情的透过窗帘, 睡眼惺忪的我被刺醒来。
I've been waiting six weeks for that cheating bastard to leave his curtains open.
我为了让那个劈腿男掀开窗帘 等了六周的时间。
Bamboo can be made into all kinds of things as tables, chairs, curtains and so on.
Closed curtains and blinds will help stop broken window glass from falling on beds.
The curtains in the dining room are transparent so we have to close the blinds too.
餐厅得窗帘很薄, 我们最好拉上百叶窗。
Outside the closed curtains of the bedroom a vast transformation scene is taking place.
The team decided to try and replicate the missing curtains as authentically as possible.
So woven curtains hung from wooden frames that could easily be assembled and disassembled.
A yellow beam of sunlight, filtering through the muslin curtains, slanted on to the table.
Keep candles away from bedding, curtains, papers and anything else that can ignite easily.
In addition to bead curtains, voice ring out a woman, light and soft tactfully, is very moving.
珠帘外, 响起一个女子的声音, 轻柔婉转, 煞是动听。
The show lets the audience look behind velvet curtains to expose a beautifully grotesque world.
And curtains fifteen cubits long are to be on the other side, with three posts and three bases.
The machines can use various of fibers for knitting curtains, table clothes and apparel fabrics.
He performed on a studio theatre, bare stage bounded by black curtains, with no stage properties.
And he joined five curtains to one another; and the other five curtains he joined to one another.
This beautiful fringe is used for tablecloth borders, garments, furniture, bedspreads and curtains.
Curtains fifteen cubits long are to be on one side of the entrance, with three posts and three bases
Curtains fifteen cubits long are to be on one side of the entrance, with three posts and three bases.
Suddenly the curtains flick apart, and she reaches through to unlock the latch. She slides up the window.
Products are widely used for the wearing apparel, footwear, handbags, fabric curtains and other decorations.
The moss creeping onto the doorsteps turns them green. The color of the grass reflected through the bamboo curtains turns the room blue.
苔痕上阶绿, 草色入帘青。
And the remnant that remaineth of the curtains of the tent, the half curtain that remaineth, shall hang over the backside of the tabernacle.
罩棚的幔子所馀那垂下来的半幅幔子, 要垂在帐幕的后头。

单词 curtains 释义

  • 单词释义:帘( curtain的名词复数 );幕;窗帘;覆盖物  [更多..]



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