单词 equal share 例句大全,用单词equal share造句:

We all take an equal share.
We now share equal rights and opportunities.
We gave each of the five children an equal share.
Each account holder is presumed to have equal share.
Everyone in the team should do an equal share of the work.
Mother cut the pineapple in half and each child had an equal share.
妈妈把菠萝分成两半, 二个孩子均分。
Mother cut the apple in half so each child could have an equal share.
母亲把苹果分成两半, 以便一个孩子可得一半。
The parties in a bilateral contract share equal rights and obligations.
Book value per share is equal to the net assets represented by one share of stock.
Book value per share is equal to the net assets represented by one share of stock.
The victors mercilessly carved up the defeated country, each taking an equal share
The victors mercilessly carved up the defeated country, each taking an equal share.
If they break up, they go through their belongings and give the other an equal share.
如果他们决定分手, 他们将和对方平分财产和所有物。
They want to split the among themselves that both receive an equal share of the marbles.
In the event of the death of the spouse, survivors would receive an equal share of the benefits.
如果配偶死亡, 遗属可以获得同等份额的津贴。
In Chinese cooking, color, aroma and flavor share equal importance in the preparation of every dish.
在中华料理中, 每一道菜的色香味同等重要。
The victorious nations carved up the defeated country into several parts, each taking an equal share.
这些战胜国把这个战败国分割成几部分, 每个国家分得一份。
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