单词 Faber 例句大全,用单词Faber造句:

The noise of the toilet tank filling covered the sound of Faber picking the lock.
Faber had imagined them to be young, fit, aggressive and bellicose as well as clever.
在费伯的想象中, 他们都是年富力强, 逞能好斗, 聪明伶俐的人。
Faber took in the empty light socket with the chair beneath it. He frowned in amazemnt.
费伯蹬上椅子看了看那空着的灯泡插座, 惊异地蹙起眉头。
Faber jerked upward, catapulting himself out of his seat. His head hit the roofthe jeep.
Faber had to concentrate hard to understand what he was saying his Scots accent was very broad.
他说话带浓重的苏格兰口音, 费伯几乎难以听懂。
Bloggs, you'll be waiting at the ticket barrier at crewe, just in case Faber decides to hop off there.
While I base my timing of bust on the 2008 Olympic Games, Marc Faber, however, believes the bust will occur sooner.

单词 Faber 释义



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