单词 exchange reserves 例句大全,用单词exchange reserves造句:

Study on the Impact of China's Huge Foreign Exchange Reserves on Macroeconomic in Our Country
Exchange rate policy considerations are, of course, relevant to how foreign reserves are managed.
And the high level of foreign exchange reserves also resulted in upward pressure on exchange rates.
Ample foreign exchange reserves will help the government tide over the peak period of debt repayment
This means that the Treasury will need to draw on the fiscal reserves deposited with the exchange fund.
Comparison of international management systems for foreign exchange reserves and its enlightenment on China
The nation is awash in cash, in part the domestic counterpart of its trillion dollars of foreign exchange reserves.
这个国家满是钱, 还有万亿美元外汇储备。
The exchange rate of the Renminbi remained stable, and the country's foreign exchange reserves increased continuously.
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单词 exchange reserves 释义

  • 单词释义:中央银行所持有的自由兑换外汇准备  [更多..]



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