单词 experimental model 例句大全,用单词experimental model造句:

Experimental Study on Antiphlogistic and Antalgic Effect on Inflammation Model Rats of Huoluozhitong Pills.
Experimental Study on Treatment of External Application with Qin's Asthma Paste in Asthma Guinea Pigs Model.
The effect of Uygur Foeniculum vulgare Mill on collagen fiber of experimental hepatic fibrosis model in rats
The effects of Run Chang Tong Bian oral liquid on experimental constipation model and intestinal smooth muscle
An experimental study of model tests on the hydraulic balanced wicket with connecting levers and rolling wheels
A rat model of autogenous internal arteriovenous fistula and the experimental study on internal fistula stenosis
Based on the experimental curve, parameters are fitted for an established linear three elements mechanical model.
Optimize the traditional teaching model to improve the quality of experimental teaching in histology and embryology
优化模式, 提高组织学与胚胎学实习课教学质量
Establishment of rabbit model for acute retinal necrosis and experimental study of infectious pathway in opposite eye
The general features of experimental octupole rotational bands can be reproduced and interpreted by the present model.
Establishment and dynamic observation on experimental rat model of adrenal medulla hyperplasia by reserpine induction.
Conclusion An integrated approach to reproduce the experimental model of chronic gastritis is valuable to further study.
Protective effect of bismuth potassium citrate in an experimental model of aspirininduced gastric mucosa lesions in rats
The experimental results were then analyzed and a calculation model for the penetrated highstrength bolt was established.
通过对试验结果的分析, 建立了穿心高强螺栓的计算模型
An Experimental Osteoarthritic Model Induced by Interrupting Medullary Blood Supply of Distal Femoral Metaphysis in Rabbit
Experimental Inspection of the Preventive and Curative Effect of the Recipe of Baihu Plus Cassia Twig on the Gout Model Rats
Experimental research on coronary collateral blood flow circulation of myocardial ischemic model rats treated with acupuncture
Establishment and experimental study of the animal model of transverse process of the third lumbar syndrome in rats and rabbits
An Experimental Model for Maxillary Sinus Elevation and Bone Grafting with Simultaneous Implant Placement with Osteotome Technique
The influence of the Sijunzi decoction on the blood picture and gastric acid of experimental model of spleen asthenia syndrome mice
Experimental study on influence of method of reinforcing kidney and activating blood on aging rat model with hyperviscosity syndrome
Establishment of animal experimental model on orthodontic rapid tooth movement through distraction osteogenesis of periodontal ligament
The golden syrian hamster is an excellent experimental animal for cholelithiasis model for both cholesterol gallstone and pigment gallstone.
Establishment and primary experimental study of mathematical model of the four properties of combustion enthalpy for Traditional Chinese Materia Medica
Experimental Study on Deposition Reduction Effct Model of River Dredging and Dike Strengthenning Starting Works in the Narrow Reach of the Lower Yellow River
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单词 experimental model 释义

  • 单词释义:实验模型,实验性模型  [更多..]



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