单词 eye measurement 例句大全,用单词eye measurement造句:

The Human Eye Wavefront Aberration Measurement Expression and Corrections
Correction of the Fixture Effect on the High Speed Eye Diagram Measurement
Information fusion method for objective and subjective measurement of wavefront aberrations of human eye
Length of ear should be the same measurement as the distance from inner base of ear to outer corner of eye.
Study on Measurement of the Wavefront Aberration of the Human Eye and Corneal Refractive Surgery by Excimer Laser
Imitating the structure and shape of compound eye of insects, a bionic compound eye measurement system is designed.
模仿昆虫复眼结构形状, 设计了一种仿生复眼测量系统。
AIM To evaluate the magnetic resonance imaging measurement accuracy of axial length in silicone oil combined cataract eye.
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