单词 gas tar 例句大全,用单词gas tar造句:

The gas is cooled to condense tar, water, and other impurities.
这些气体经过冷却后成为浓缩焦油, 水和其他杂质。
Cleaning Theatment of Smoking Gas from Oil Bitumen and Coal Tar Enamel
Catalytic Removal of Biomass Tar and Hydrogen Generation of Producer Gas
Purifying Asphalt Gas of Baking Furnace with Electrostatic Tar Collecting Method
Catalytic Conversion of Pyrolysis Gas Tar with Naphthalene as the Model Compound
However, the gas containing tar from updraft gasifier can be used for direct burning.
Flue gas purification for carbon roast stove with electroslatic tar collecting method
Any remaining tar is removed by passing the gas through an electrostatic precipitator.
The liquor is separated from the gas in a central tank, together with any condensed coal tar.
The furnace of coal gas calorific value high thoroughly dry distillation under section gas excluding, tar.
煤炭经炉内彻底干馏, 煤气热值高, 下段煤气不含焦油。
The yield of both tar and gas is decreased with the decrease of exhausting temperature of liberated matter.
Tar amount in tabacco gas in treatment with Arthrobacter agent is lower or same to the treatment with water.
Improvement on Process of Removing Naphthalene from Coke Oven Gas During Primary Cooling and Final Cooling by Light Tar
Determination of Biphenyl and Phenanthrene in Coal Tar Wastewater by Gas Chromatography with Thin Layer Column after Extraction Concentration
萃取浓缩 薄涂柱气相色谱法测定煤焦油废水中的联苯和菲
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