单词 get in on 例句大全,用单词get in on造句:

Many people in this day and age simply do not get enough exercise on a regular basis.
Let's focus our attention on the main problem and not get bogged down in minor issues.
Maybe with Microsoft adding it in, the other browser makers will finally get on the ball.
也许与微软在增加, 其他浏览器厂商将最终得到的球。
Working on a document in a window and want to get rid of all the extraneous background noise.
I tried to reach you on your cell phone. But i was in the basement and couldnt get a signal at all.
我试着打手机联系你, 但我在地下室, 根本收不到讯号。
If they deposit these shares in the scheme they will get further buckshee shares on a one-for-one basis.
Setting a date or arranging to get together may be done several days in advance or agreed on spontaneously.
The article stresses less on assimilation than on alienation so as to get twice the result with half the effort in practice.
Jim Oh, come on, lets keep a sense of perspective here. Are we really going to get our knickers in a twist over one anonymous letter.
Say you want to get the riffs perfect in Eric Clapton's Layla. As envisioned, the sequence of notes on the screen will not advance until you correctly play the previous chords.
I’m having a party to celebrate my 28th birthday next Saturday. First, we are having dinner at 7 o’clock near Gangnam station. I need to know around how many people are coming in order to make dinner reservations, so please let me know asap. After dinner and a few drinks, we are going to Club Answer where I have a VIP table on the second floor. Just say my name to get free entrance. If you have any problems just call me on my cell 010-123-4567. Hope to see you guys on Saturday!
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单词 get in on 释义

  • 单词释义:<口>参加,加入  [更多..]



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