单词 get into trouble 例句大全,用单词get into trouble造句:

The captain was always devising how to get the mate into trouble.
You'll get into deep trouble if you continue being late for work.
你若上班继续迟到, 你将倒大霉了。
You'll get me into trouble if you tell Mum that I've lost my watch.
Of world economy 3 drive carriage at the same time get into trouble.
But when I do get into trouble, I often can outrun those chasing me.
但是当我遇到麻烦时, 我总能逃脱他们的追捕。
He sets public opinion at defiance, and hes sure to get into trouble.
他无视公众舆论, 肯定会惹麻烦的。
Innocent people get into trouble on the account of others' misfortune.
Investors most often get into trouble in negative cash flow situations.
The sailors were warned not to get into trouble while they were on shore.
We knew that a kid who collected junk had little time to get into trouble.
Adolescents are most likely to get into trouble when they're at a loose end.
You'll get into trouble if you continue to behave without regard to decency.
You might get into trouble, but the big rewards go to those who take big risks.
Chief tallyman, the damage containers are so many, if I sign, Ill get into trouble.
Look at him, shaking his head and wagging his tail, he will get into trouble some day.
George keeps a tight rein on his children, but they still seem to get into trouble regularly.
And then when I done my time, Uncle Benny, he gives me my portion, sends me out here so I cant get into trouble.
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单词 get into trouble 释义

  • 单词释义:(给…)找麻烦, (使)陷入困境,被警察传讯;捅娄子;出乱子;闯祸  [更多..]



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