单词 bound up in 例句大全,用单词bound up in造句:

They'd have a lot of hydrogen sulfide gas bound up in their cells.
Before sweeping the house she bound up her hair in a large handkerchief.
In the budget the chancellor is bound to jack up the price of cigarettes.
在预算中, 该大臣必然要提高香烟的价格。
Before sweeping the house she bound up her hair in a large hand kerchief.
在打扫房屋之前, 她把她的头发用一块大手帕包起来。
Jack Qiao loaded up to catch a train bound for the United States in the South.
The destiny of Hong Kong is bound up with the economic progress in the mainland.
All those who try to falsify history are bound to end up at criminals in history.
Corn is bound in small sheaves and several sheaves are set up together in shocks.
The plan was drawn up in haste, so there are bound to be oversights and omissions.
We seldom see Pamela these days because she's so bound up in writing her new book.
No matter how beautiful the dusk is, it bound to be swallowed up in endless darkness.
不论黄昏有多美, 它注定要被无尽的黑暗吞噬。
The wind hath bound up in her wings, and they be ashamed because of their sacrifices.
Carrie did not stir at the words. She was bound up completely in the man's atmosphere.
嘉莉听了这话一动也没动, 她被这个男人创造的气氛迷住了。
The manager of a company does not like having a large chunk of his wealth bound up in its shares.
Life is like a spring silkworm cocoon, since bound up, once eyebrow feather, drill into the also in me.
人生如春蚕, 作茧自缠裹, 一朝眉羽成, 钻破亦在我。
I can not reach the sky in a single bound, but I can make every step leaves its print and never give up.
This issue is intimately bound up with the question of international humanitarian law in armed conflicts.
Mark that the blessings of sacred fellowship and perfect cleansing are bound up with walking in the light.
The global flooding of terrorism in recent years is closely bound up with the deprivation of the right to listen to both sides.
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单词 bound up in 释义

  • 单词释义:忙于某事的,热衷于某事物的  [更多..]



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