单词 brush up on 例句大全,用单词brush up on造句:

Butch But I still need to brush up ON traffic rules a little bit.
He said he had to brush up on his history before the examination.
Jack can't go with you because he needs to brush up on his notes.
Second exam is coming soon, you'd better brush up on you courses.
I shall have to brush up my mathematics before I take on that job.
Pass up the paint pot and brush, and I'll put another coat on the ceiling.
It would be wise for you to brush up on your French before going to Paris.
在去巴黎之前, 你最好先重温一下你的法语。
In addition, bearing in mind that clean up litter on the backs of the brush.
另外, 要注意清理书背纸屑毛刷的使用。
If you're going to the United States, you'd better brush up on your English.
如果你要去美国, 你最好先复习一下你的英文。
Please pass up the paint pot and brush; I'll put another coat on the ceiling.
You'd better brush up on your English since you decide to study in the U.S.A.
And I got to brush up on an old favorite, the best business book Ive ever read.
On the same day, the children pick up the brush on a piece of paper describing their dreams and future.
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