单词 Bardier 例句大全,用单词Bardier造句:

Bombardier? He releases bomb or some sort?
Its success has lured a couple of jetmakers into the game, including Raytheon and Bombardier.
Pilot to bombardier ready the payload!
投弹手听令, 准备装弹!
This was the first model that Bombardier patented.
I had always wanted to photograph the spray of bombardier beetles.
Take care of domestic and overseas visitors and show a good image of Bombardier.
It is in this context that the Bombardier Tibet Professional Training Program was designed.
But most of all, the Norden bombsight required the bombardier to make visual contact with the target.
最关键的是 使用诺顿瞄准的投手 得目视看到目标
And not all of the people who are of those 50, 000 men who are bombardiers have the ability to properly program an analog computer.
不是五万名投手 都真的能够操作 模拟计算机
And they make everyone of those bombardiers take an oath, to swear that if they're ever captured, they will not divulge a single detail.
每一个投手都必须盟誓 如果被俘 不得泄漏关于此设备的

单词 Bardier 释义



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