单词 bang about 例句大全,用单词bang about造句:

She told the boys not to bang the furniture about.
Don't bang your vacuum cleaner about, it's a sensitive machine.
Bang Bang in1985 counted about lunar calendar May22 chenshi born in fate
He didn't know about the Big Bang. He didn't know about the expansion of the universe.
他没听说过大爆炸 也没听过宇宙膨胀
Dont apologize for what you are about to say. Begin with a bang and get straight to the point.
Liu bang, the first emperor of Han dynasty, was the first practitioner of the learning about the Emperor Huang and Lao tsu.
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单词 bang about 释义

  • 单词释义:发出响声地动来动去  [更多..]



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