单词 ask of 例句大全,用单词ask of造句:

Ask Autumnal climate is dry, how to prevent craze of real wood floor or aperture to greaten.
When I go to the airport I always ask the taxi driver if he will help lugging all of my bags.
Duke Pingyuan of Zhao planned to ask the ruler of the state of Chu personally for assistance.
They made a thorough examination of the accounts. I'll have to ask you to examine the account.
Still have, stability of partial product low temperature does not accord with a standard to ask.
还有, 部分产品低温稳定性不符合标准要求。
It seems that their lives ane rich, but, when we ask ourselves that what is the meaning of life?
The Yamen runners came to each house to ask for poll tax according to the number of people there.
Ask you to provide us with the number of your invitation so that it could be confirmed in advance.
She pins internal heat constrainedly, twist a head to ask again advocate the surname of book wife.
她勉强压住火气, 又扭头问主簿老婆的姓氏。
Accordingly, li Mou has reason completely to ask wine shop bears cost of partial medical treatment.
因此, 李某完全有理由要求酒楼承担部分医疗费用。
Everyone wanted to ask if it was loaded, but the second rule of Project Mayhem is you dont ask questions.
Ask about this the story of the wall to an old person that takes before leaving agrarian hall door to bask.
In a revealing quirk of the English language, to ask the question is to level an accusation at the same time.
在英语里某个明显的讽语, 在设问之时就提出了指责。
The bowl that Shakymuni Buddha use to humbly ask for alms, is paradoxically full of heavenly glory and merit.
At the close of the year, may I ask you to join me in a toast to greater business achievements in the new year.
They should take advantage of support groups and ask social workers regularly about available community resources.
Bianca told me to ask some questions to the ladies, but suddenly, I am unaware of what to ask, I felt embarrassed.
主持人叫我向佳丽提问, 我一时不知道该问什么
to ask the information office at the airport for actual arrival time of the flight two hours ahead of the schedule.
All i ask of you, the phantom of the opera, wishing you were somehow here agin, think of me, the music of the night.
These are the kinds of questions that those who enter the recovery process sincerely ask themselves and even agonize over.
If this person die, absolutely no longer somebody dare to compel to ask her the commerce of nation pedagogue, it occurred that
若是此人死了, 绝对不再有人敢逼问她国师的事, 偏偏
Rather than ask for blessings of fortune and longevity, ask for the blessing of peace of mind. Peace of mind will spawn more blessings.
求福寿倒不如求平安, 平安就是添福寿。
I also would like to dedicate the merit and virtue of my cultivation to both of you, and respectfully ask Amitabha Buddha to take care of you.
The selection of the first - born of the millennium may be as arbitrary as any fortunes of birth - ask a family in Tonga - but the chosen are not ciphers.
Roxy escapes from slavery and returns to Tom in St Louis, demanding that he confess the affair to the Judge and ask for the money to buy her out of slavery again.
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单词 ask of 释义

  • 单词释义:向…要求,要求…  [更多..]



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