单词 as a whole 例句大全,用单词as a whole造句:

Cabinet production line produce such as a whole cabinets, wardrobe and bathroom counters and so on.
Intergovernmental Committee of the Whole to Draw up a Constitution for UNIDO as a Specialized Agency
What is the specific method that each district implements birth assurance society to plan as a whole?
That represents a tremendous opportunity for Kazakhstan, for Central Asia and for the OSCE as a whole.
We will not allow the existence of local interests that jeopardize the interests of the country as a whole.
Government will not be efficient unless the people as a whole accept leadership loyally and enthusiastically.
The skeleton and musculature of the back are responsible for the support and movement of the trunk as a whole.
The results were explained with a cohort model which hypothesizes that bimorphemic words are represented as a whole.
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单词 as a whole 释义

  • 单词释义:整体来看;普遍说来, 一般地说  [更多..]



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