单词 ask out 例句大全,用单词ask out造句:

Give you this standard print and distribute now, ask comply with to carry out.
Ask kids to compile the lyrics and sing out according to the pictures selected.
But I never got up the nerve to ask her out and then someone else beat me to it.
I ask, after caricature comes out, do you get the mail of vermicellibean starch?
Ask a group of people to write down and read out their definition of innovation.
Dont know I whether way like this can be carried out, ask everyone to adjudicate!
I still don't understand why you don't just ask him out on an official date date.
Because the fire is getting out of control, they have to ask for the fire brigade.
由于火势已控制不住, 他们不得不请消防队来。
Ask the song compares facial problem to breath out!Of concerned breast enhancement?
In the maths class, the teacher stopped to ask us not to look out of the classroom.
在数学课上, 老师叫我们不要向窗外看
Ask the song compares facial problem to breath out!Of concerned breast enhancement ?
When they got to the top, he planned to pull out a ring and ask her to be his bride.
他谋划着他们爬到山顶时, 拿出一个戒指, 向她求婚。
If the matron is absent, ask the permission from the assistant if you want to go out.
One should ask experts to carry out heavy repairs, and make running repairs By oneself.
So keep your hands low and ask for more bend to stretch the soreness out of his muscles.
将手放低, 要求更多的屈挠以拉伸酸疼的肌肉。
Chandler Sir, can I ask you to umm, could you hold out that ring and ask me to marry you.
Kate Oh, tell me you didnt ask out little miss bimbo to force me into making a decision.
Hopefully by then, I'll get up the courage to once again ask you to go out on a date with me.
If you like, I could ask one of our people to look out for something which could be a bargain.
If you ask someone out on a date and get a rejection, does that mean youre sentenced to celibacy
如果你在哪天邀请某人约会被拒了, 是否意味着你就该独身?
I am ill and can not go out to sea, so I have to ask for three days off from the chief engineer.
WAX NOSTALGIC: Remember that cute guy who always seemed too shy to ask you out back in high school?
Ask the Ss to read the passage and find out Winning lottery is a fortune or a disaster for Ken Partridge
Oh, right, that. No, I haven't had a chance to swing by peds and ask the nurse to point out the attending.
Roxy escapes from slavery and returns to Tom in St Louis, demanding that he confess the affair to the Judge and ask for the money to buy her out of slavery again.
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单词 ask out 释义

  • 单词释义:请(某人)外出  [更多..]



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