单词 as original 例句大全,用单词as original造句:

A Photostat copy of this authorization shall be considered as effective and valid as the original.
Exoneration or rehabilitation should be made known as widely as were the original wrong decisions.
People may be blamed or punished as a result of not putting into practice their original good motives.
I am willing that a photocopy of this authorization be accepted with the same authority as the original.
The geoisotherms around a gallery can be explained as a superposition of the original temperature field.
Known as bookbooks of original entry, journals provide a chronological record of all entity transactions.
作为原始凭证, 日志提供所有实体交易的流水帐。
As a result, the team found itself embroiled in debates over the original intent of a given specification.
Known as book books of original entry, journals provide a chronological record of all entity transactions.
他们现实交易日期, 合计数和受交易影响的特别会计帐户。
Facsimile copies, including facsimile signatures shall have the same force and effect as original signatures.
a minor clause in a document such as a legislative bill that voids or changes its original or intended purpose
During the long history of its spread, a dispute occurs as it's original or fake or written by later generation.
The limits of authority for approving such rank adjustment shall be the same as those for approving the original rank.
Buildings that are designated as historical and cultural relics shall be vacated and restored to their original style.
Keep its original feature of hill body, made it according to its hypsography, as possible as to keep its original relief.
A second analyst performing a retest should be at least as experienced and qualified in the method as the original analyst.
If the play is changed the way like that, it will be completely disfigured and no longer recognizable as the original Teahouse.
Any stipulation in the original bidding documents in the same terms as aforesaid shall be amended and interpreted correspondently.
Disclosure embroidered the city, pandering to carve Meng, Kuang Shan original as its surplus, Sichuan Xu its horrifying attention.
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单词 as original 释义



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