单词 at a guess 例句大全,用单词at a guess造句:

Make a guess at the answer.
He made a wild guess at the answer.
Well, we can hazard a guess at the answer.
At a guess, there were forty people at the party.
So I guess we'll have to get a place that has at least two acres.
But recently I jumped into a cab at LaGuardia Airport and guess what?
I guess the most recent story of me having a bad attitude at work seriously piss me off.
I guess it was an ok movie overall, but sort of seemed to fall apart at the end though. I’d say the last 1/3 of the movie got a little too corny and nonsensical for me.
Last year around this time, I had been rejected from a job offer by a top company. I ended up working at a much smaller company. Today that “top company” is now about to go bankrupt, meanwhile our company is doing better than ever and I just got promoted. I guess it was a blessing in disguise.
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单词 at a guess 释义

  • 单词释义:猜一下,粗略估计  [更多..]



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