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But then, liberal arts and science has become a of development trend of college and university.
不过, 文理兼容已经成为了高校发展的大趋势。
In resent years, nasal administration has become one of tendencies in the field of pharmaceutics.
近年来, 鼻腔给药系统已成为制剂学领域研究的重点之一。
In the absence of development and respect for human rights, stability and security become elusive.
如果没有发展, 不尊重人权, 那么, 稳定与安全就可望而不可及。
Recently, the killing and abduction of children has become a means of inciting sectarian violence.
Is it enough to spend a certain quantity of hours in front of the PC to become an Internet addict?
The vast expanse of the land permitted Americans to become a nation of agricultural entrepreneurs.
However, the beauty of Teheran and amorous feelings never become angry because of the war however.
The quest to become a permanent member of the Security Council has been quietly abandoned, for now.
The abuse of the revolutionary body has been made to become triumph ritual and ceremony of baptism.
Of ceaseless on craft innovation inferior straw mat, become today summer of bedding advocate dozen.
在工艺上不断创新的亚草席, 成为今夏床上用品的主打。
Debt problems of poor countries have become deeper in the aftermath of the global financial crisis.
Healthy practices of antenatal and postnatal care have become widespread in all segments of society.
Absolute sincerity of the company's strategic goal is to become a competitive price optimal supplier.
Those criminal acts should not be allowed to become an accepted aberration of the international order.
The idea of comparative advantage has become the cornerstone of modern thinking on international trade.
The presumption of administrative authority has become an important factor of the ultra vires and abuse.
摘要行政权推定行使, 已成为行政权越权, 滥用的基本口实。
The presumption of administrative authority has become an important factor of the ultra vires and abuse.
The idea of comparative advantage has become the cornerstone of mordern thinking on international trade.
Therefore, the crystallization kinetics become one of the hottest fields in research of amorphous alloys.
因此, 晶化动力学成为非晶合金研究领域的热点之一。
However, the face of such a highspeed economic development, the existence of the problem has become acute.
然而面对经济如此高速的发展, 存在的问题就日益突出。
Moisture absorption and sweet dischargeable fiber will become of a new upgrade product of polyester fiber.
It isn't the absolute number of people that is about to become the issue, it is the number of wage earners.
Of course, now with the advance of technology, the level of caesarean section has become increasingly high.
They have been fighting over alimony for a long time. I wonder what will become of them and their children?
Become totally absorbed in the moment by performing acts of such utter selflessness that you forget yourself.
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