单词 become of 例句大全,用单词become of造句:

The executive powers of the National Assembly for Wales have become the responsibility of the Welsh Ministers.
As a result of armed aggression, my country has become the land of choice for illicit activities of all types.
由于武装侵略, 我国成了各类非法活动的首选地。
WITH the euro crisis in abeyance, high oil prices have become the latest source of worry for the world economy.
The absence of honesty culture of social agencies has become the bottleneck that affects its positive development.
Because the aroma of barbecue flavor assail the nostrils, food Youweis become the party of choice for many people.
因为烤肉味道香气扑鼻, 食之有味, 成为许多人聚会的首选。
The phenomenon of mob justice has become more widespread, including the execution of people accused of witchcraft.
Proper definition of group action and incident should become the premise of dealing with mass action in our country.
The concepts of the translators become evident in the external appearance of philosophical reflection in translation.
The Ontology construction of traditional thesauri has become an important developmental aspect of thesauri currently.
Identify the reasons that 44 soldiers of the heroic sacrifice to become the greatest aspiration of company commander.
Urea is a nonionic fertilizer nitrogen material which has become of increasing importance in agricultural production.
Occasionally entrepreneurs sell out and become committed members of corporate teams, adding their spirit of enterprise.
Wang Ni decided to become an appendage to the kingdom of Han in the year of307 after his failure of insurrection against Jin.
Real estate has become the focus of macroeconomic regulation and control of the calendar year accumulation of contradictions?
With the implementing of the millisecond pulsar timing array, the application of pulsar time will become possible in the near future.
Ascend the throne, ie become king or queen Dynamic Response Prediction of Temple of Ancient Monarchs Induced by Metro Line6 Vibration
And when they eventually emerge and become adult snails, they swim to the surface of the water and graze there on the carpet of algae.
Last year the British, with 17% of male and 20% of female adults obese, pulled ahead of the Germans to become Europe's fattest people.
Luxurious living has become the current fashion. The Chinese traditional virtue of being diligent and thrifty has been abandoned by some people.
Tipping is not part of Korean culture, although it has become a matter of course in international hotels where a 10% service charge is often added.
Now it has become the most favored dating place for a couple of boy and girl who have amative relations to whisper and appreciate the rote of surf.
现在, 这里也成了青年男女耳语, 听涛的好地方。
Five years later, he abandoned medicine to become editor of the Leeds Times, following the successful publication of several of his articles about self-improvement.
With the construction of new villages, I believe that the agricultural industry of our country will become more and more prosperous and experience rapid development.
We stopped in Atlantic City to see what had become of the house where I had spent my college summers, working as a busboy in a restaurant in the next shore town south.
The sawtooth austenite boundaries become preferential nucleation sites of ferrite, and the sawtoothed ferrite boundaries contribute to the formation of ferrite recrystallization nucleus.
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