单词 blocking out 例句大全,用单词blocking out造句:

She is blocking out a drawing.
Mind out you're blocking the passage.
让让 你挡道了。
Maybe my mind was just blocking them out.
Please move your car, it is blocking my way out.
Hey, you're blocking me in and I have to run out.
Blocking out or segmental welding is not permitted.
Your car is blocking our front door. No one can get out.
I realise now I'd been blocking out the pain with drugs.
Blocking him will make you the sour old fart due to be put out to grass.
阻止他, 你将成为应当被解雇的臭老头。
When mucous membranes dry out, they are far less effective at blocking infection.
而当粘膜过干时, 阻隔病菌的能力就会大大减弱。
I try to see through the disguise, But the clouds were there, Blocking out the sun.
我试图通过变相, 但有云, 阻隔太阳。
The boiler should be thoroughly raked out once a month to prevent blocking by old ashes.
为防炭灰阻塞, 锅炉每月都要进行彻底清扫。
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