单词 blow into 例句大全,用单词blow into造句:

The wind will blow into your face, as the years pass you by.
To break into pieces, as by a blow cleave or split asunder.
Wind storms can then blow dusty material into the atmosphere.
So, a patient can come in and actually blow into their device.
The wind had risen from its uncertain puffs into a steady blow.
Don't pump too much air into the tire, otherwise you blow it out.
气别打得太足, 否则轮胎会炸掉的。
We're doing random breath tests. Please blow into the breathalyzer.
That's the shot, just leave it be, let the wind blow into the comer.
对, 对, 别动, 让它冲着墙角吹。
I see no reason for you to blow this minor issue up into a major one.
Blow air into the bag and then tie the bag with a rubber band tightly.
If it fails to inflate, or you need top up the air, blow into this tube.
Get the nitro into the shade right now or it will blow! Do you understand?
If you are careless with explosives they can blow you into the next world.
The winds blow across the sea, pushing little waves into bigger and bigger ones.
And don't sneeze or blow your nose anywhere except into a handkerchief or Kleenex.
不要随处打喷嚏或擤鼻涕, 而是要对着手巾或者卫生纸。
Open the bathroom door blow against our faces bright red also jumped into our eyes.
Then all the fans get turned on and then blow all the papers across into this big silo.
然后所有的风扇都会打开, 将这些文件吹进这个大桶仓。
The holder cylinder is able to blow air into the soft plastic bottles to enable easy printing.
I opened the windows. The wind out there was strong, but doesn't blow into my room, not a little.
我推开窗口, 外面风很大, 却一丝都没吹进房里。
Someone took an inappropriate use of words on my part and tried to blow it into a major controversy.
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