单词 blowing up 例句大全,用单词blowing up造句:

Discussion of the Construction and Controlling Technology of the Blowing Up in Stone Project
Setting up High Efficiency Insulating for Electrostatic Precipitator by Using Hot Air Blowing
The string of lofty Himalayan peaks blocks the moist air currents blowing up from the Indian Ocean.
The capability of the sun shining, the wind blowing and the rain falling, simply isnt enough to add up.
阳光, 风力, 雨水的能力加起来, 也不能满足人类所需。
Its sounds are also impressive, from dogs creeping up on you to the gale force wind blowing past your ear.
The technique of blowing oxygenenriched air into the taphole to treat the hearth freeze up accident is introduced in this paper.
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单词 blowing up 释义

  • 单词释义:[医]发泡,起泡  [更多..]



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