Effects of Different Phosphorus and Potassium Fertilizer Application on Starch Accumulation in Sorghum Grains
Application of High Temperature Resistant Active Dry Yeast in Distiller's Grains of Shaoxing Yellow Rice Wine
The polarity distributions of starch grains and aleurone were extremely evident in the early stage of globular embryo.
So mountains are built up, and they erode away by water and rain and ice and so forth, and they become grains of sand.
山脉形成后经历流水 和冰霜雨雪等的洗礼 最后就成了沙子
The results show that concurrent addition of Ti and B can obtain refined grains and improved properties of the cast alloy.
研究结果表明, 同时加入钛和硼可细化晶粒, 提高性能。
In this paper, the position of foxtail millet and small grains under the cropping pattern adjustment in China was discussed.
Stereological method of calculating the average value of surface spacing between the neighboring aggregate grains in concrete
The Buddhist Scriptures in Dunhuang Manuscripts Influenced by the Daoist Thoughts of Abstaining from Grains as well as Taking the Air
Studies on Regularity of Accumulation and Disappearance of Starch Grains in Microsporogenesis and Malegametogenesis of Keteleeria fortunei
Difference in Amylose Content Variation of Rice Grains and Its Position Distribution Within a Panicle Between Two Panicle Types of Japonica Cultivars
Growth stage of grains was shorter in a high setting percentage cultivar than that in alow setting percentage cultivar. the degenerate ratio is lower.
Varietal difference in change process of leaf area per plant during ripening period and their effects to percentage of ripened grains of rice in cold area.
Application of fault dating by the surface textures of quartz grains from fault gouges to the assessment of fault activity in the foundation area of a bridge
At the end, each litre of blood from the long walkers contained on average 0.05 grains less apolipoprotein II, a ' bad ' fat that is linked with heart disease.
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