单词 graduated 例句大全,用单词graduated造句:

I graduated from a backwater college last year and I make about 2500 dollars every month.
I graduated from Union College with ain political science and a minor in Chinese language.
在大学里, 我主修的是政治学, 副修的是中文。
You graduated from university, no problem, and you received an assignment back in beijing.
The prince had just graduated from college and had won the highest award from his teacher.
The Applications of Constant Angle Method to the Testing of Graduated Disc and Grating Disc
Your vocabulary at age 45, for example is three times asas when you graduated from college.
Ng Chung graduated from the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts and got a Bachelor of Art Degree.
Michael graduated from the University of Georgia with a Bachelor of Business Administration.
苏鸣珂毕业于佐治亚州立大学, 获得商业管理学士学位。
Meanwhile, they have absorbed quite a few young people who have just graduated from colleges.
He was apprenticed to a doctor, studied medicine at Edinburgh University and graduated in 1832.
Di Lifeng, in1990 graduated from central fine arts institute master the graduate student class.
Daming Dai graduated from the Central Conservatory of Music, is the only majors in college band.
My name is Liu Fang, and I was graduated from Gansu Agricultural University, majoring in Pomology.
Graduated from Drama. Literature Department of Shanghai Theatre Academy, State level A scriptwriter.
He graduated from Tongji University and attained both of his bachelor and master degree in Mathematics.
唐圣波毕业于同济大学, 获得数学本科和硕士学位。
Grandma graduated from the Chinese People's Anti-Japanese Military and Political College in Yanan in 1937.
She'd abandoned music and graduated from the University of Houston with a degree in business administration.
当时她已经放弃音乐梦想, 并从休士顿大学的企管系毕业了。
A musical instrument consisting of graduated steel plates that are struck by hammers activated by a keyboard.
The amount of students who graduated was extraordinary. Ninety eight percent of the students passed their exams.
I attended high school and college at the University of the Philippines and I graduated with a degree in Accountancy.
Ven. Tong Ming, who took her ordination vows in 1996, graduated from Malaysian Buddhist Institute Advanced class in 1996.
national, graduated from The London School of Economics, who speaks with a strong British accent, was one of the speakers.
任, 毕业于伦敦经济学院, 说话带著浓浓的英国腔。
Sawaya graduated from NYU with a law degree back in 1996 and began working on Wall Street as an attorney earning a decent sixfigure salary.
She graduated from the Central Conservatory of Music, having majored in accordion performance.She is now busy performing and teaching the accordion.
她毕业于中央音乐学院手风琴演奏专业, 演出教学工作繁忙。
Graduated from university in Guangxi, the project assistant manager of west construction engineering corporation in Guangdong ever, assistant president of invests group of the incumbent East Hangyang in Guangxi.

单词 graduated 释义

  • 单词释义:毕业了的;标有刻度的;分等级的;分层次的  [更多..]



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