单词 ground start 例句大全,用单词ground start造句:

If I start the ground work.
My feet leave the ground and I start to float upwards.
Only when the ground became hard did he start to feel his feet.
The horses were pawing the ground in their impatience to start.
Fixed a bug that causes Green Slimes to get stuck in the ground and start sinking.
Engine start is over, please remove facilities on the ground, prepare for taxiing out.
启动完毕, 请撤除地面设备, 准备滑出, 再见。
I am going to start keeping various species of fish in rotation in the fishing ground.
He the oblique line ground start connecting to burn the second cigarette to my Chou's one eye.
Didn't expect, this man didn't persuaded, start to copy the ground brick is to suck up DE la villette.
没料到, 该男子根本不听劝, 抄起地上的砖头就砸向吸粪车。
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单词 ground start 释义

  • 单词释义:[航天工程技术]地面起动;地面发射  [更多..]



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