单词 finishing tool 例句大全,用单词finishing tool造句:

Annulus finishing tool.
For finishing the alloy steel. Chilled steel and chised tool steel
合金刚, 粹火钢及工具钢的精磨
After finishing the polypainting I used the Transpose tool to pose the character.
Parts surface integrity after finishing and finishing tool design are introduced.
Designed with the optimum length for pressfit holders. This one tool can be used for roughing to finishing.
为夹具设计了优化的长度, 可作粗精加工。
Burnish Bookbinding term for the finishing of the edges of a book with a burnishing tool to impart a polished surface.
This causes inefficient use of the spindle, which increases benchwork finishing time in addition to the number of trips to the tool crib to replace worn, overloaded tooling.
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