单词 fiber density 例句大全,用单词fiber density造句:

Postsynaptic Density and Mossy Fiber Sprouting in Epilepsy
Effect of Fiber Linear Density and Its Irregularity on Yarn Unevenness
Used for cutting the fiber to set length for testing whose linear density.
用于将纤维切断成一定长度, 供测定纤维线密度。
Research on the Measurement Uncertainty of Linear Density of Viscose Staple Fiber
The biomedical elasticity micron wood fiber light density materials is introduced.
A optic fiber sensing method for detecting gas density was presented in this paper.
Ma coarse fiber Hardware, fabric density generally smaller, more feeling of rough air.
麻纤维较粗硬, 织物密度一般较小, 更感觉粗犷透气。
The linear density and unevenness of PET spun staple fiber were measured by vibration method.
The addition of electrical conductive fiber lowers the density of the coating at the same time.
Infuence of Different Single Yarn Density of Cigarette Fiber on Index of PP Fiber in Finished Form
The stainless steel fiber has big density, no crimp and poor coherent, so its difficult to produce.
摘要不锈钢纤维比重大, 纤维无卷曲度, 抱合力差, 生产难度大。
Variation of Wood Fiber Characteristics, Microfibril Angle and Basic Density of Betula platyphylla in Natural Populations
英文例句大全为您提供fiber density英文例句大全,fiber density英文造句,关于fiber density的英语句子,单词fiber density怎么造句,fiber density英文例句大全有哪些,哪些英语句子是关于fiber density,英语单词fiber density的句子,单词fiber density如何造句,fiber density怎么造句等。

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