单词 Chiang Mai 例句大全,用单词Chiang Mai造句:

Chiang Mai, Thailand's Northern Rose, is in full bloom.
Chiang Mai restaurants cater to every palate and pocketbook.
If you are more of a nature lover, consider heading north to Chiang Mai.
如果你热爱大自然, 可以考虑到清迈一游。
The most interesting discovery is that the people in Chiang Mai are very slim!
Bilateral swap arrangements under the Chiang Mai Initiative have also been agreed upon to achieve the same objective.
Chiang Mai, a home of the healing arts, has several respected schools teaching the techniques of ancient Thai massage.
If you want to stay longer, try the Chiang Mai Delight package, with three nights at the Westin; $515 from Hong Kong, $350 out of Singapore.
Chiang Mai remains famous for its woodcraft, but demand for tourist souvenirs means that mass production techniques have supplanted centuries-old carving traditions.
Similar journeys can be arranged from Bangkok to Chiang Mai, Surat Thani, Trang or Hat Yai, with connections to Malaysian trains for onward journeys to Kuala Lumpur and Singapore.
Artisans and traders from nearby China, Burma and Laos, who for centuries settled in the northern mountains and lush river valleys, have contributed to Chiang Mai's rich artistic heritage.
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单词 Chiang Mai 释义

  • 单词释义:清迈,泰国城市  [更多..]



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