单词 Chuan 例句大全,用单词Chuan造句:

Because of suspected infectious disease symptoms, the hospital will arrange all of them to Chuan Ranke.
因为疑似传染病症状, 医院将他们全部安排到传染科。
The Function of Hui People of CHuan, Dian and Gui in the Activities of Saving the Nation From Extinction
Of airport of Ren Chuan border presiding management official says, whole system will use screen technology.
仁川际机场的首席经营官说, 整个系统将使用触摸屏技术。
Textual Research of the Chronicle of Su Shi's Poetry Anthology Regarding Travel Notes In Xie Chuan With He Tao
The study on development process of slope in the connected part between Chuan and Xia rivers in Changjiang river
The Tai Chi Chuan Health Assembly will organize competitions and exchanges of specific traditional Tai Chi Chuan.
Chuan Leepai said he has not decided when to dissolve the Parliament and hold the general election ahead of schedule.
Determination of a New Chuan Hua 018 Pesticide by Normal Phase Liquid Chromatography on Dynamically Modified Silica Gel

单词 Chuan 释义



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