单词 Chou Chin 例句大全,用单词Chou Chin造句:

Chou Chin harbored no grudge and hosted them with a feast.
周进踌躇满志, 留他们吃了酒饭。
This feudal society, beginning with the Chou and Chin Dynasties, lasted about 3,000 years.
The next day, Fan Chin escorted Chou Chin for 15 kilometers on his way back to the capital.
次日, 周进起程回京, 范进独自送到三十里以外。
When Chou Chin awoke and saw where he was, he cried loudly and struck his head on the plate again.
The Liang, the Tang, the Chin the Han and the Chou are called the five dynasties, and there was a reason for the establishment of each.
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单词 Chou Chin 释义

  • 单词释义:周锦; 台湾人; 号智燕  [更多..]



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