单词 code for 例句大全,用单词code for造句:

Code for Construction and Equipment of Ships carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk
Code for design of water supply and sewerage system for petrochemical enterprises
We had a team of fellows in Boston last year through the Code for America program.
去年我们美国代码 有个在伯斯顿工作的团队。
Code for design of signal, alarm and interlock system for petrochemical enterprises
石油化工企业信号报警, 联锁系统设计规范
Classification and code for the hazardous and harmful factors in production process.
Could you please tell me the international prefix and the country code for Australia ?
There was one code for the drawing room and another code for the foundry and the mill.
Comments are brief explanatory notes added to code for the benefit of those reading it.
Design code for general plot plan and transportation of chemical industrial enterprises
Code for construction and acceptance of stand cylindrical steel welded oil storage tank.
The Choice of Chinese Character Code for the Digitalization of the Massive Ancient Books
Code for software Library manager complete source code can be directly used by the test.
代码的软件库, 完整的源代码管理器可直接使用。
Move the source code for the type from the original assembly to the destination assembly.
The program is called Code for America, and it's a little bit like a Peace Corps for geeks.
这个项目叫做 美国代码,有点像宅男的和平队。
The third bold section contains code for handling database failover and connection switching.
Random Constants and code for the timing detection would make it harder to bypass with scripts.
A Brief Comment on the Application of Fair Value of the Accounting Code for the Assets Devaluation
Besides, there is a separate dress code for casual day. People can't just wear whatever they want.
The first one actually contains within it this code for interpreting the rest of the genetic code.
第一个实际上包含了它 用来翻译 剩下基因密码的密码
The source code for the mail example and the previous example are available for you to tinker with.
ISM Code International Management Code for the Safe Operation of Ships and for Pollution Prevention
Continuous mechanical handling equipment. Safety code for belt conveyors. Examples for safety of nip points.
Code for design of counterflowtype mechanical draught cooling tower structure for petrochemical enterprises.
Abstract The necessity and general situations of revision of Master Design Code for Fishery Port are introduced.
Safety code for inspection of hazardous properties for dangerous good of substances which in contact with water emit flammable gases
英文例句大全为您提供code for英文例句大全,code for英文造句,关于code for的英语句子,单词code for怎么造句,code for英文例句大全有哪些,哪些英语句子是关于code for,英语单词code for的句子,单词code for如何造句,code for怎么造句等。

单词 code for 释义



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