单词 close look 例句大全,用单词close look造句:

In other words, a big dish takes a very close look at a tiny sliver of sky.
换句话说, 一个大抛物面能仔细观察一小块天空。
You see, I searched far and wide, but never bothered to look close and near.
Now work in pairs Close your books, look at the blackboard. and act them out.
让学生看黑板上的关键词, 不看书, 学生两人一组表演。
You can see the lace if you look close, but it doesn't come across on camera.
如果你近距离看的话会看到假发的边边, 但是镜头里不会有。
Since you're so close, you really ought to take a look at the canals of venice.
你既然离得这么近, 真该去看一看威尼斯的运河。
Keeply look out for vessels and fishing boats not to approach too close to them.
敏锐的了望船只和渔船, 切勿过于靠拢。
When people took a close look, they found that the one running behind was blind.
当人们走近一看时, 才发现跟在后面的那只老鼠眼睛是瞎的。
You must have a close look at the health policies before you make the final decision.
The championship is going to be very close, and I look forward to winning races again.
You can't look directly into it; you've got to shade your eyes or close them altogether.
Please close your eyes and imagine what Britney will look like without her navel exposed.
State Reserve or has begun to close copper, consumer prices look forward to a rebound season.
国储或已开始收铜, 消费旺季期待价格反弹。
Endeavour astronauts worked for a close look at the threeinch gash in the shuttles underside.
It was tantalized close the dawn, therefore he decided to get up and to look far from his French windows.
Morgan Look, we need as close to the real voice as you can get, and anything that might be in the background.
听着, 我们需要尽可能真实的声音和背景里的任何杂音。
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