单词 come to terms 例句大全,用单词come to terms造句:

He can come to terms with being poor.
I have long since come to terms with my blindness.
If we come to terms, well appoint you as our agent.
如果达成协议, 我们将指定你为我方的代理。
If we come to terms, well appoint you as our agent.
It has taken Arthur a long time to come to terms with his disability.
Do you think the Arab countries will come to terms with Israel one day?
It is ultimately an attempt to come to terms with his Southern heritage.
After three days'hard bargaining,the two sides still couldn't come to terms.
After three days'hard bargaining, the two sides still couldn't come to terms.
经过三天的艰苦谈判, 双方仍未达成协议。
The aim is to help people articulate their feelings, to come to terms with them.
Buyers couldn't come to terms with the car's styling, and its high price proved a bitter pill.
We're still trying to explain and come to terms with what is the evolutionary advantage of this.
我们仍然在试图 从进化的角度解释这种现象。
This year, that tower of babble is higher than ever, as new terms have come into being, and old ones have come to the fore.
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单词 come to terms 释义

  • 单词释义:达成协议,妥协,让步  [更多..]



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